OK...I'm a geek

I think of myself as a "cool" guy. I subscribe to GQ, Forbes, and Mens Health magazines. I wear the current fashions. I have a professional job and I have been married for six years. Yet, today I found myself at a comic book convention. And man, did I have a good time! That's a picture of me with John Cassaday, artist for Marvel Comics. More specificity, the artist for one of the hottest titles out right now, Astonishing X-men. He just finished signing my copy of the #1 issue. Sometime between 1984-1985 my older brother introduced me to comics.(Thanks) I soon began to collect GI-Joe, which still holds a special place for me today. Looking back the comic wasn't even that good. But, it appealed to an 8 year old and has stuck with me. In fact, today I tried to recapture some of that nostalgic feeling and, finding a copy of the first issue, I bought it. I probably won't even read it. I just wanted to have it(though don't be mistaken I read 99% of all the comics I buy). Kind of a symbol of my childhood I guess. My wife thinks I'm crazy, that comics are for kids. I don't understand why it's ok to go and watch movies that were inspired by comics but to read the comics from which they were derived is seen as immature. There are some really good reads out there. I think comics are a medium that has not been used to its fullest potential. They have been stigmatized like cartoons. Only recently have cartoons broken away from there "Saturday morning for kids stereotype" with shows like King of the Hill and Family Guy.(Of course the Simpsons and South Park fit in there somewhere too.) While all types of titles are available in comics, readership has sharply declined over the past two decades, while most other mediums have increased. They even had free comic day about a month ago. They were giving away free comics just to attract new readers. Giving them away, free. Imagine going into walmart and hearing that they are giving away DVD's to attract new viewers. Didn't hear about this "free comic book day"? That's exactly my point. It is a medium that's put to the side and belittled by its more elite counterparts. If you have never read a comic, pick one up. If you don't like that one try another. Chances are if you like movies and you like to read, there is a comic book out there that you will love.