Saturday, June 25, 2005

OK...I'm a geek

I think of myself as a "cool" guy. I subscribe to GQ, Forbes, and Mens Health magazines. I wear the current fashions. I have a professional job and I have been married for six years. Yet, today I found myself at a comic book convention. And man, did I have a good time! That's a picture of me with John Cassaday, artist for Marvel Comics. More specificity, the artist for one of the hottest titles out right now, Astonishing X-men. He just finished signing my copy of the #1 issue. Sometime between 1984-1985 my older brother introduced me to comics.(Thanks) I soon began to collect GI-Joe, which still holds a special place for me today. Looking back the comic wasn't even that good. But, it appealed to an 8 year old and has stuck with me. In fact, today I tried to recapture some of that nostalgic feeling and, finding a copy of the first issue, I bought it. I probably won't even read it. I just wanted to have it(though don't be mistaken I read 99% of all the comics I buy). Kind of a symbol of my childhood I guess. My wife thinks I'm crazy, that comics are for kids. I don't understand why it's ok to go and watch movies that were inspired by comics but to read the comics from which they were derived is seen as immature. There are some really good reads out there. I think comics are a medium that has not been used to its fullest potential. They have been stigmatized like cartoons. Only recently have cartoons broken away from there "Saturday morning for kids stereotype" with shows like King of the Hill and Family Guy.(Of course the Simpsons and South Park fit in there somewhere too.) While all types of titles are available in comics, readership has sharply declined over the past two decades, while most other mediums have increased. They even had free comic day about a month ago. They were giving away free comics just to attract new readers. Giving them away, free. Imagine going into walmart and hearing that they are giving away DVD's to attract new viewers. Didn't hear about this "free comic book day"? That's exactly my point. It is a medium that's put to the side and belittled by its more elite counterparts. If you have never read a comic, pick one up. If you don't like that one try another. Chances are if you like movies and you like to read, there is a comic book out there that you will love.

Saturday, June 18, 2005

Batman Begins

PG-13 Christian Bale, Michael Caine, Liam Neeson, Katie Holmes

For those of you who don't know this is not a prequel. This movie is the first of it's own series and has nothing to do with Tim Burton's previous vision of the Batman universe. With that said, go see this movie. I know I only gave it a 4 instead of a 5 but that is only because there were some plot points that were just too silly, even for a comic book based movie. And its not like they would have been that hard to fix either. It's like they just said, "ah, who cares, nobody will notice." But the movie was fast paced enough and good enough that it only bothered my for a minute or two. Other than that I loved this movie. It's the best Batman movie by far. Christian Bale plays the role of Batman like Hugh Jackman plays wolverine. I think he is the first actor to figure out the Bruce Wayne and Batman have two different personalities and should be played that way. Even if you are not a comic book fan but you enjoyed Spiderman, but you wished it were a litter darker, you would enjoy this. The first hour of this move dealt soley with how Bruce Wayne became Batman. I am glad they did this as I think this sets the tone for the rest of the movie. It's why I think Spiderman was so successful. You actually care about the character. It draws you into their would. By the time they turn into a superhero you buy it because you were there from the beginning. You go to this movie to see Batman and Bale plays Batman well. The villains stand on their own too. Someone once said "A hero is only great if the villain he defeats is great."(or something like that) Cillian Murphy plays the Scarecrow, and does a heck of a job at it. You might recognize him if you saw 28 Days Later(one of my favorite zombie films, by the way) Of course the rest of the actors were good(except for Katie Holmes, who wasn't bad necessarily, she just wasn't anything special) the action was good but like I said before you go to this move to see Batman. My inside source(Entertainment Weekly) tells me that director Christopher Nolan and Screenwriter David S. Goyer have already begun to work on the story for the next two films. So we will get to see more of the Bat in the next two films than we did in this one. I for one am looking forward to these and hope they are as good as the first.

I almost forgot. For any big Batnerds or Comic geeks out there check out this link of an interview with Bob Kane the originator of Batman. Bob Kane died in 1998.

Monday, June 13, 2005

Mr. & Mrs. Smith

Ok, this was a surprisingly good movie and would have probably gotten a 4 if it were not for two scenes which were so ridiculous I just couldn't. This movie had action(think, Mission Impossible) it had comedy(think Ocean's 11) and it had Angelina Jolie(well... think Angelina Jolie) My wife even liked this movie and that's saying something. It kinda had the right blend of all the right elements that some movies just can't seem to find. It wasn't too serious. It wasn't too corny. And they didn't throw so much sex and violence down your throat you felt like you were playing GTA San Andreas. It was a fun summer popcorn movie. If you want a good action flick to watch this weekend, go see Batman. But if you significant other says "that looks too dark" then go see Mr. and Mrs. Smith.

I gave this one a strong 3 1/2. For more reviews and info about this movie click here

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Cinderella Man

I had heard a lot of good comments about this film and I wasn't sure if it was going to live up to my expectations, (By the way I really dislike Russell Crowe) but I really enjoyed it. If you are not familiar with the story it is one of a "has been" boxer, who like everyone else during the depression, is doing all he can to provide for his family and just make it through the day. Then he suddenly gets a chance to not only provide for those he loves, but relive his boxing career. It's a classic uplifting tale of the underdog and a nation that supported him. One of the aspects about the film that I didn't expect to enjoy so much was the fact that it gave me a glimpse of life during the depression. Of course like any American I have heard stories about it, but this gave me an opportunity to "see" it. It truly was a discouraging time with not much to look forward to or believe in. The film is based on a true story, and if you are not familiar with the events before now I suggest that you DO NOT read up on it or find out what really happened until you've seen the film. I say this for two reasons; One not knowing how it ends is half the fun of watching a film of this type. Two, all story tellers, including Ron Howard, take certain liberties with history to make their story better. There is nothing worse than watching a movie and criticizing it the whole time because it doesn't coincide %100 with the way you read it in the history books. Oh by the way even though this is a good story it is about boxing and good bit of the movie takes place in the ring. So if you don't enjoy watching two men beat the crap out of each other you might want to pass on this one. Go see it and let me know what you think

Monday, June 06, 2005

Those Star Wars

Ok for any Star Wars fans out there here are some additional flicks that you should definitely check out. (Especially if Episode III left you wanting) For those of you who don't know there is a huge assortment of "Fan Films" out there. These are films where fans take the character or the world from their favorite movie and turn it into their own film. While some of these are extremely cheesy, others are well done and surprisingly good. So check these out.

First we have Troops
This would be a 5 Bob rating for any SW fan but worth seeing if you are even a mild SW fan. It parodies the TV COPS using the Imperial Troopers. Its very funny and very well made.

Next we have IMPS (Imperial Military Personnel Stories) 3 Bob
This is a follow-up to Troops. I would only recommend this for hardcore fans. This isn't quite as fast paced and takes a little longer to enjoy. Equally well done though.

Star Wars: Clone Wars 4 Bob
Ok, so this isn't really a fan film but its a little less know just the same. Don't get this confused with EII Attack of the Clones. This is the animated series that was shown on Cartoon Network. They are short 3 minute episodes showing the time between Episode II and Episode III. You can purchase the DVD with episode 1-20. But to view 21-25 with show the moments leading right up to Episode III use the following link. These are very good and I highly recommend at least watching 21-25 as they show how Senator Palpatine was captured and why General grievous seems to be limping around clutching his chest the entire movie.

Well, if you have any other suggestions please post them here.

Read my screenplay

Due to overwhelming response to my mention of my own script for a short film, I have decided to make it available to you so that you can give some constructive criticism on how to improve it. Ok, who am I kidding I know you don't care and you may read it just because you feel guilty and I asked you to and you are only going to rip it apart and tell me how bad it is. But hey that's ok too. This will be posted under the title "The Last Defense" Please feel free to let me know if you have any suggestions especially on the ending which I am not to happy with. If you are unfamiliar with reading a screenplay please note that it does not and should not include things such as: "the camera moves left" or "we zoom in on the main character". These are things the director incorporates, not the writer. Oh, by the way its a very short screenplay and you can probably finish reading it in about 10 minutes or so.

The Last Defense

The online version of my screenplay was removed on 11-10-05. If you would like a copy please email me at

This is Bob

Ok, it occurred to me that I need some form of rating system so that you can quickly look at my reviews and tell whether I would recommend the film or not. So I have enlisted the help of Bob. Here is how it works. A five Bob film means go see the movie now. Seriously you shouldn't still be at your computer. Four Bob, go see it soon, maybe this weekend. Three Bob, worth seeing, but maybe wait until it comes out on DVD. Two Bob, ok, if you are sick with the flu on a Saturday and too weak to reach the controller, watch it. One Bob, honestly I don't plan on ever giving a film a one because I would hope that I am smart enough not to watch it in the first place. Well, now you know so there you go.

Sunday, June 05, 2005

Getting Started

I love movies, I always have. Ever since I was a little kid and I remember seeing classic adventures like Indiana Jones and Star Wars(actually it was Return of the Jedi) I have been fascinated by films. This site is dedicated to just that. On this site I will give my reviews and opinions of my favorite films and as new films come out at the theatre and on DVD. This will also give you the opportunity to discuss those films. I want to avoid those reviews that sound like they are from some snob film critic from 1000 miles away who said he hated a film because the director's views of contemporary society clash with the story's character arc and the actors inner child? Yea, me too. That's why I wanted to create a space that I could review movies the way your normal average movie goer sees a film. Is it good or bad? Should you go see it or not.? Or, should you wait for it to come out on video? Plane and simple, no politics, no it was good but "the book was better" or any of that. Now, I am sure I will fall victim to my own criticism but my hope is to provide a straight forward review and then follow it up with some intelligent conversation from others. Thanks for taking the time to read this far and I hope you enjoy.