Getting Started
I love movies, I always have. Ever since I was a little kid and I remember seeing classic adventures like Indiana Jones and Star Wars(actually it was Return of the Jedi) I have been fascinated by films. This site is dedicated to just that. On this site I will give my reviews and opinions of my favorite films and as new films come out at the theatre and on DVD. This will also give you the opportunity to discuss those films. I want to avoid those reviews that sound like they are from some snob film critic from 1000 miles away who said he hated a film because the director's views of contemporary society clash with the story's character arc and the actors inner child? Yea, me too. That's why I wanted to create a space that I could review movies the way your normal average movie goer sees a film. Is it good or bad? Should you go see it or not.? Or, should you wait for it to come out on video? Plane and simple, no politics, no it was good but "the book was better" or any of that. Now, I am sure I will fall victim to my own criticism but my hope is to provide a straight forward review and then follow it up with some intelligent conversation from others. Thanks for taking the time to read this far and I hope you enjoy.
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