48HFP 2007 baby!

While our film was far from perfect (or even good), it was a huge improvement over last year. I attended the screening of our film in Greensboro yesterday and was pleasantly suprised. When I first arrived I was very nervous. Most of the other teams had gone all out, with flyers, pampets, and full size, proffesionaly designed movie posters! These things looked great. They could have been advertising the next blockbuster down at your local cineplex. I wanted to leave and not even view our film. But, since it was just me, I figured I had better stay. Shortly after the first two films I felt a sense of relief. Both films were disqualified because they had not been turned in on time and they had plenty of bad shots, horrible audio, and stories that left the audience thinking, "I don't get it." I was thrilled. I know, I know. I shouldn't feel this way but, here were two films that actually made us look good. (or a least not horrible). Unfortunatley, with the exception of one or two other films most of the teams in our group did a fantastic job. They were well shot, funny (intentionaly unlike ours), and just plain entertaining.
When our film came up, I held my breath. Then came the first scene between two of our main characters.
You were supposed to be here an hour ago. I had to sign for this. Get it together.
Ok, Dick.
(after Joe has walked away)
That's Richard!
The audience roared(slight exageration, maybe). It felt great to have people respond so well to something you help create. The screening went great, we didnt win anything, nor did we expect to (this year anyway) but, I was able to see some great movies and meet some great folks. So, in case your wondering the trailer for the movie is below but, be warned it's better than the movie itself.
I'd like to see more close ups of your actors, especially when you're building the intensity level. Can't wait to see the whole thing!
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