48HFP-Day 2, Saturday

5:30 Woke-up and finished six page script
6:30 Finished getting gear ready for the day
7:45 Made last minute calls to crew to bring props, equipment, etc.
8:00 Arrived on location
8:15 Went to car dealer ship to pick up car we were supposed to use to sit in front of our location. Salesman that was supposed to be there was not, so we did without the car.
8:30 Went to around town looking for bubble wrap that was the required prop for the movie. Finally had to go to wal-mart.
8:45 Arrived back at location to find out power was out in the house we were shooting in.
9:00 Three of the eight cast and crew had not shown up yet.
9:20 Began to film first scene
9:21 Realized we did not have professional actors
9:22 Realized I was not a professional director so I fit perfectly with the actors.
9:35 One more actor show up. Still missing two
10:30 Finished shooting first scene (outdoors) Power came back on in the house.
10:35 I had to change into shirt and tie to play the "butler"
10:40 Realized I am a worse at acting than directing
11:00 Used a wheelchair for "cool" dolly shot
11:30 Other two actors finally show up
11:45 Use work lights from Wal-mart as professional lighting
11:50 Lights work well other than the fact that they are about 1000 degrees too hot.
12:00 Something smells like its burning so we have to turn the lights off for a while and change their positions.
1:00 We break for lunch
2:00 Cast has to change for next scene
2:30 We shoot cool hot dog scene
2:35 Glad we didn't shoot the whole film outside because it's like 101 degrees outside
3:00 We shoot football and golf montage shots
3:30 We begin shooting final walking scene
3:45 During dramatic "Jasper Fly" speech dog starts barking
3:50 During same speech Ferron uses the words "grows" and "lives" 500 times.
4:00 We final finish the scene after "several" takes. None of which were the same
4:30 Finished primary shooting for the day
4:30 At my house I began to download footage
5:30 Ferron, Jordan, and Jared showed up for "Interview" sequence
7:00 Began rough edit
7:30 Realized how tough it is to edit when the dialogue from any two takes from the same scene is always different.
8:00 Seriously thought about not submitting film in the competition
8:30 Decided everyone had worked too hard to not submit the film
9:00 Relapsed into thoughts of not submitting the film and pretending it never happened
9:30 Decided it wasn't that bad, I could make it work
10:00 Felt it was hopeless
11:00 Put my nose to the grindstone and decided to make the best of it
1:00am Went to bed exhausted and somewhat depressed
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