
It's 11:30, I just got back from Greensboro where I viewed the winning films of the past two 48 Film Projects. I have get up at 5:00am and drive for 10 hours tomorrow to meet with two of my biggest clients. Needless to say, they are important meetings. I bring this up because this is the only thing preventing me from focusing 100% on the 48 hour film project. My "real" job yet again is getting in my way. We have a total of 7 people including myself, so we will be working with a skeleton crew. But, for me at least, I feel better having a small group than having extra people standing around with nothing to do. For most of the crew this will be their first experience with acting, filming, etc. Though I do have a couple that have little college film class experience, and two that are writers. Also I've gotten the support of two bands, Niro and Secondhand Stories, thanks to an old friend. All in all, regardless of the genre we receive I think we will have a good time. We have received permission to film at some really cool locations including a historic home with beautiful grounds. Well I have to get some sleep so I can pay for my camera equipment. Thanks everyone for you support.
Best of luck, man!!
Sorry I can't be there--I know you'll have a blast, remember who you are, etc.
I am totally jealous and bummed that we aren't doing this together...
Awesome! How exciting and nerve racking at the same time! Wish I was there to help out. Best of luck!
Hey little bro this sounds exciting. I know you'll do fantastic.
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