48HFP - Day 1, Friday

4:00pm Left for Greensboro with Jordan and Jared
5:20 Arrived at location for kick-off meeting
5:21 Jared spilled Mountain Dew on his shorts making a "urine like" stain on his crouch
5:30 Checked in
5:45 Realized we looked too normal to compete against everyone else that was there
5:50 Approached by random woman who said we needed professional actors, a PA, and a professional sound guy if we wanted to win. (Turns out she was right)
6:15 Guy approached Jordan and asked him what his job was on the team. He answered, "I'm the headphone guy."
6:30 Saw a guy in a kilt for no reason
6:31 Approached by a magician who likes camping, fishing, and paintball and wanted to be in our movie.
6:40 Starting drawing for Genres
6:43 Mused how I would like to pull drama, action, or comedy for our genre
6:45 Remembered that Holiday Film is also an eligible genre as I read the slip I drew from the hat
6:46 While stepping off stage the magician who likes paintball handed me his card, again
7:00 We left.
7:01 Saw magician trying to jump curb on moped
7:05 Began to try to figure out what else could a holiday film be besides a Christmas film
8:30 Picked up Pizza for team (Papa Johns)
9:00 Met the remainder of the team at my house
9:01 Explained to each team that we had drawn Holiday Film as our genre and watched their
blank expressions
9:30 Jordan came up with and idea about a inflatable killer whale as a story idea
9:30 + 2 seconds Idea rejected (but later revisited)
10:00 As we settled on a story idea, the ending takes a weird turn
10:05 Ferron declares he is not wearing a dress
10:06 We drop the story line that involves Ferron wearing a dress
10:20 Without any further prodding from the rest of the team, Ferron announces he will wear a dress
11:00 Most of the team leaves so the writers can finish the story
11:30 The rest of the team leaves to work on the story on their own
1:00am I finish writing about 3 pages of script
2:30am Received a call from Jose, who has emailed me two pages of dialogue to use
2:45 Went back to sleep
Can't wait to see how it turns out!!
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