Cinderella Man

I had heard a lot of good comments about this film and I wasn't sure if it was going to live up to my expectations, (By the way I really dislike Russell Crowe) but I really enjoyed it. If you are not familiar with the story it is one of a "has been" boxer, who like everyone else during the depression, is doing all he can to provide for his family and just make it through the day. Then he suddenly gets a chance to not only provide for those he loves, but relive his boxing career. It's a classic uplifting tale of the underdog and a nation that supported him. One of the aspects about the film that I didn't expect to enjoy so much was the fact that it gave me a glimpse of life during the depression. Of course like any American I have heard stories about it, but this gave me an opportunity to "see" it. It truly was a discouraging time with not much to look forward to or believe in. The film is based on a true story, and if you are not familiar with the events before now I suggest that you DO NOT read up on it or find out what really happened until you've seen the film. I say this for two reasons; One not knowing how it ends is half the fun of watching a film of this type. Two, all story tellers, including Ron Howard, take certain liberties with history to make their story better. There is nothing worse than watching a movie and criticizing it the whole time because it doesn't coincide %100 with the way you read it in the history books. Oh by the way even though this is a good story it is about boxing and good bit of the movie takes place in the ring. So if you don't enjoy watching two men beat the crap out of each other you might want to pass on this one. Go see it and let me know what you think

Too much hitting!
I haven't seen this one yet, but I have heard several positive unofficial reveiws from friends who have seen it. I have also heard comparisons to Rocky--any comment Fitz?
Sure, there are a ton of similarities to Rocky. I don't like to mention them to people who havn't seen the film, because I believe that even folks who didn't like Rocky might enjoy this film and it shouldn't be dismissed as another "Rocky." They are both about the underdog, down on his luck fighter, who, ralied by his people makes a comeback. The actuall characters are very different. Rocky is a less than intelegent guy who if he had not made it in boxing probably would not have made it in anything. Jim Braddock on the other hand gives us the impression that the only thing that was holding him back was the depresion, and as the film shows, that did not even stop him. I guess one thing I particulary liked about Cinderella Man is that it is based on a true story. So it's nice to think that something like that really could(and did) happen. One cool thing about the end of the original Rocky is that he actually looses. How often does Hollywood do that? They are both great films, and even though the stories are similar, the styles of the story tellers are very differnt.
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