Mr. & Mrs. Smith

Ok, this was a surprisingly good movie and would have probably gotten a 4 if it were not for two scenes which were so ridiculous I just couldn't. This movie had action(think, Mission Impossible) it had comedy(think Ocean's 11) and it had Angelina Jolie(well... think Angelina Jolie) My wife even liked this movie and that's saying something. It kinda had the right blend of all the right elements that some movies just can't seem to find. It wasn't too serious. It wasn't too corny. And they didn't throw so much sex and violence down your throat you felt like you were playing GTA San Andreas. It was a fun summer popcorn movie. If you want a good action flick to watch this weekend, go see Batman. But if you significant other says "that looks too dark" then go see Mr. and Mrs. Smith.

I gave this one a strong 3 1/2. For more reviews and info about this movie click here
What are the two scenes that bugged you?
Pretty much the entire last 20 minutes were eye-rollingly silly.
But two thumbs up to Brad Pitt, whom I normally find to be hygenically challenged. He looked very pretty in this flick.
Thanks for stopping by Amy. The two scenes that bugged me were one, when Angelina jumped off of the building and used the her pocket book as a repeling device. (though in afterthought this wasn't that bad considering the movie) But, the part that just killed me was at the very end when Brad and Angelina twirled in each arms as they shot up a room full of bad guys. It looked like something from a Mad TV skit. I just wonder what were people thinking when writing and filming crap like that. And yeah, Brad was kinda hot.
My guess is that people were thinking that Brad and Angelina needed to complete the trifecta of dance sequences. First they get liquored up in Mexico and do the sultry thing. Then they do the "I'm Gonna Kill You" tango at the restaurant. And finally, we end with the death match. It actually brought a tear to my eye.
So which Brad do you think was the hottest? The Thelma & Louise Brad? The Ocean's 11 Brad? The Ocean's 12 Brad? Or the Mr & Mrs. Smith Brad? Some might be drawn to the Legends of the Fall Brad, but all I could think about was that he needed a haircut.
Ah, good point about the "trifecta". I tottaly missed that but, I sill thought it was ridiculous.
And as far as Brad goes...Fight Club, hands down.
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