Friday, March 14, 2008


While sitting and contemplating the mysteries of life like, "why are movies like Never Back Down made", a young lady asked me "are you going to make another movie this year?" I could see in her eyes that I was a source of inspiration, knowing that each year I along with my friends gather together and follow our dreams to create a true work of art, gave her hope that one day she might be able to do the same. With this in mind I looked at her and said, "yes, yes we are." I knew I had lifted her spirits, gave here hope and inspired her. Knowing all of this it made her next comment all the more confusing. She looked at me blankly and asked, "why?" I was baffled by this simple yet complex question. Some might say her question was an insult, that I should feel slighted. Why would I make another movie? Why would I waste my time? But, I knew that it was a deeper question. It was a challenge to look inside and say "this will be the best 48 Hour Film Project ever!" It is with this thought that I am proud to announce that from the event that brought you great films like "Jasper Fly" and "Night Shift Joe" comes the 48 Hour Film Project 2008. The dates this year will be June 20th to June 22nd.

Mark your calenders.

Updates will follow.


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