Batman Begins

For those of you who don't know this is not a prequel. This movie is the first of it's own series and has nothing to do with Tim Burton's previous vision of the Batman universe. With that said, go see this movie. I know I only gave it a 4 instead of a 5 but that is only because there were some plot points that were just too silly, even for a comic book based movie. And its not like they would have been that hard to fix either. It's like they just said, "ah, who cares, nobody will notice." But the movie was fast paced enough and good enough that it only bothered my for a minute or two. Other than that I loved this movie. It's the best Batman movie by far. Christian Bale plays the role of Batman like Hugh Jackman plays wolverine. I think he is the first actor to figure out the Bruce Wayne and Batman have two different personalities and should be played that way. Even if you are not a comic book fan but you enjoyed Spiderman, but you wished it were a litter darker, you would enjoy this. The first hour of this move dealt soley with how Bruce Wayne became Batman. I am glad they did this as I think this sets the tone for the rest of the movie. It's why I think Spiderman was so successful. You actually care about the character. It draws you into their would. By the time they turn into a superhero you buy it because you were there from the beginning. You go to this movie to see Batman and Bale plays Batman well. The villains stand on their own too. Someone once said "A hero is only great if the villain he defeats is great."(or something like that) Cillian Murphy plays the Scarecrow, and does a heck of a job at it. You might recognize him if you saw 28 Days Later(one of my favorite zombie films, by the way) Of course the rest of the actors were good(except for Katie Holmes, who wasn't bad necessarily, she just wasn't anything special) the action was good but like I said before you go to this move to see Batman. My inside source(Entertainment Weekly) tells me that director Christopher Nolan and Screenwriter David S. Goyer have already begun to work on the story for the next two films. So we will get to see more of the Bat in the next two films than we did in this one. I for one am looking forward to these and hope they are as good as the first.

I almost forgot. For any big Batnerds or Comic geeks out there check out this link of an interview with Bob Kane the originator of Batman. Bob Kane died in 1998.
...has a cool article on all the Bat equipment--pretty cool stuff. haven't seen the movie, but plan to either tomorrow or Tuesday (HowStuffWorks also has an article on how a lightsaber works--break out the tools let's get one into production).
I saw this one last night--very, very good. THIS is what Batman should have been all along and by the looks of the ending we will see this sequel soon. I wish there had been even more of him pre-batman and i hope that they will include flashbacks, scenes, etc. of his time before he returned to Gotham in the sequel. i may post my own full review, watch for it
By the way, if you want to catch Christian Bale in an interesting role that in some ways mirrors his Batman performance, check out American Psycho (2000)
He plays a serial killer in the 80's. It's a little on the weird side, but it really demonstrate how self-absorbed people were in the 80's to the point of being oblivious to this fictional serial killer on Wall Street.
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