48HFP-Day 3, Sunday

8:00 Woke-up with renewed spirits and continued editing
12:00 Jared came over and viewed the footage so far
12:30 Considered dumping all of the sound and dialogue and covering the whole thing with music
12:45 Took lunch break and ate leftover Pizza from Friday
1:00 Decide it wouldn’t help, went back to editing
1:15 Jamie showed up and we shot the final sequence (actually one of the first in the movie)
2:00 Back to editing
3:00 Laid down the music tracks graciously provided by Niro and Secondhand Stories
3:30 Realized the music is far superior than the movie I was making
3:35 Started hoping the bands don’t regret allowing me to use their music
4:00 Realized I hadn’t put in any of the credits or title screens
4:45 Realized I didn’t have a name for the movie, settled on Jasper Fly
5:00 My goal of leaving for Greensboro by 5:00 went unrealized
5:30 Left to meet members of the team I had forgotten to get release forms from
5:50 Had to stop and fill the car up with gas
6:00 Left Southern Pines with exactly 1hour 30minutes to turn in film on time
7:15 Parked car
7:20 Turned in film
7:23 Passed by another filmmaker with laptop in his hand. He was burning the DVD as he walked in.
7:24 Realized I had an extra 5 minutes I could have used on my film that it desperately needed.
7:30 There is always next year.