Fantastic 4 (pre-show)

NO, I haven't seen this one yet. I just thought I would get a head start and give someone out there a huge opportunity. (Ok, it's not really huge) If anyone out there sees this before me, and will email me or post their review, I will put your review right here on the big screen. That's right, I will give you the space that is normally reserved for professionals like myself. You won't have to settle for the "comment" section, instead I will be commenting on your review. Now, I know this probably won't happen unless someone gets exposed to cosmic radiation but, I wanted to give everybody the opportunity.
And since I have some time to kill here is some info to chew on before you go see the movie:
The FF(as they are known in the biz) were created by one of my all time favorite superheros, Stan Lee, in 1961. These guys were totally different than anything that had come before. First of all they had no secret identities, like Superman or Batman, and they were made up of very non-stereotypical characters. For example Reed Richards who even though had super stretchy powers "was still human enough to be a long-winded bore when explaining things to others." Johnny Storm, though a teenager, was just as much part of the team as anyone else and not a sidekick as most teenagers were portrayed at the time. Sue Storm broke the female mold of being the damsel in distress and became a full fledged fighting super hero. And then there is the thing. Who would think that an ugly rock "thing" would make a good super hero? It certainly didn't follow the comic wisdom of the time. But, Stan was and is a different guy, and by doing things his way and not following the trend of the day he created one of the greatest super teams ever. The comic is still in print today and has finally made it to the big screen(after a superhumanly crappy attempt in 1994, so bad it wasn't even released, but that's for another time.)
'nuff said
I'm not going to see this one until the late show Saturday night. So look for my reveiw late Sat. unless someone beats me to it. Thanks for stopping by.
i saw it at the same time does this mean i get to post mine along side yours?
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