Wedding Crashers 4 out of 5

Rated: R for sexual content/nudity and strong language
Cast:Vince Vaughn, Owen Wilson, Rachel McAdams, and a couple
others you will recognize when you watch the movie.
Let me start with the negative and go from there. This movie is rated R and for good reason. There is a lot, and I mean a lot of sexual content as well as very strong language in this film. I always find it difficult to completely enjoy a movie when the *f* bomb is being thrown like candy at a parade. For those of you who don't have a problem with that, you should enjoy this movie a lot.
To me, though comedies are difficult to make, they are easy to review. Unlike dramas, thrillers and action movies, their goal is very clear, to make you laugh. If they accomplish that, in my opinion anyways, little else matters. This movie definitely made me laugh and is probably one of the funniest movies I have seen in a while. I am a big Owen Wilson fan and looked forward to this film to set him apart. But, Vince Vaughn beat him to it. He was hilarious, and this is his best work yet, by far. Think of the character that he played in Old School, and multiply that by ten, then pair him with Owen Wilson and you get Wedding Crashers. Owen Wilson does a fine job as well and if you have liked him in his other movies you will enjoy him here too.
There was a point in the movie where I don't think I stopped laughing for about 30 minutes. The movie is self explanatory and doesn't try to get too complicated. It's just funny. Vince has developed this art of rambling, and saying things that are hilarious but continuing on without missing a beat. Other than the R rating(which I understand for some folks isn't a factor) I would recommend this movie as the best comedy out right now, and give it a 4.

i just have to say that even though this movie has the rating of R it is the funniest movie i have seen in a while. Vince Vaughn is hilarious, and then my man suddenly appears in the meatloaf. Add in Owen Wilson and you have one of the best combinations available right now.
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