Read about my journey towards the making of my first film and other movie related topics.
Thursday, December 22, 2005
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
The Bag Update

After our second day of eventful shooting (see Jimmy’s blog) we have a little over h

As a side note, I had always wanted my first production company to be named Fitzufilms. Jimmy uses the name Divine Tomfoolery. Since we are working together we have tried to come up with a name that would fit us both. The Bag will be a Fitzufilms and Divine Tomfoolery production but, all films that follow from our collaboration will be called FitzFoolery! Good day, and thanks for reading.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005
Good Night, and Good Luck - 5 out of 5

Sunday, December 04, 2005
The Making of a Short Film - Part 5
After another meeting with Jimmy and pinning down location possibilities and actors, we took a little time off from work to scout locations. If you haven't already, check out Jim's site for pictures of our scouting trip. The trip was extremely beneficial. It gave me a better idea of how the movie will look and after reviewing test footage (and Jim's pics) too much light may be a problem so we'll have to deal with that. Also, after filming Jimmy in some of the same shots I had planned on using in the film, I decided to make changes there as well. Just one quick trip has solved two potential problems that I wouldn't have known about until the day of shooting or even Later.
After our trip, I toyed with editing our test footage together to see how things would flow and what sound would need to be added. While doing this I received a revelation that our

Finally, shooting will hopefully begin this week if Jimmy, myself, and Oliver can coordinate our schedules. I'm very excited and looking forward to actually getting this done. Thank you to everybody who has shown their support and stopped by to read.