Brothers Grimm 2 out of 5

Cast: Matt Damon, Heath Ledger, and a couple other people but, really who cares
I am only going to talk about this movie just because I feel obligated. Jimmy warned me that I may not like it...and he was right.
If you don't know the story it's something like this. The brothers Grimm travel from town to town exorcising witches and other mythical creatures(or do they) for rather large fees.
They are soon required to perform these services or loose their lives. The story actually sounds interesting enough and has a mix of every fairy tale and legend you can think of thrown in. But, that's about the only good thing about this movie.
My biggest problem is that this movie can't decide what it wants to be. It's not that funny, it's not that scary, there is not that much suspense, and there is not that much action. It has a little of all these elements but does none of them well.
O.K. that's more than I really wanted to talk about this movie, don't go see it. There is plenty else out there right now that has to be better than this. I gave it a two, if you forgot what that means click here.
Of course when I left this horrible movie I went and complained to the theatre manager and told him it was all his fault. That's when he said I was retarded. Can you believe that guy.

Nice nice lol retard!!!
~Jimmy was a poor movie, but yet I could not take my eyes off the screen.
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