High Rental Value (Updated)
Every once in a while a good movie slips by me in the theatre. When this happens I must resort to visiting my local video store so I can try and decipher whether a two evening rental, which used to be a two day rental is the same thing. Then I think, why does it matter? There are no more late fees. Oh, but there is a restocking fee. But, I digress. (I've always wanted to say that). Thanks to contributing poster Jared*, I recently viewed two excellent pics.
Million Dollar Baby 4 1/2 out of 5

Directed by: Clint Eastwood
Cast: Clint Eastwood, Hilary Swank, Morgan Freeman
I will be honest, I normally don't give much credit to the academy for their selection of films but, they hit the nail on the head on this one. Of course the fact that Clint directed this and stars both he and Morgan Freeman should be a big clue. This is by far one of the best screenplays I have seen in a long time. The story is excellent. In fact this movie is all story and great acting. There are no special effects, there's not a lot of action, or suspense.
With that being said it's hard to say what this movie is about. Of course you're thinking it's about boxing. But, to say this movie is about boxing is like saying is like saying Star Wars is about interstellar commerce. You could see it that way but, you would be missing the point. It's about people and what they love in life. Their hopes, dreams, and their fears.
I can tell you this, this is not your typical underdog story. There is a twist in the tale that makes the story what it is. If you don't already know then don't find out before you rent it.

And by the way, the only reason this should not be your next rental is because you're renting this one...
Hotel Rwanda 5 out of 5

Rated: PG-13 for Violence, Disturbing Images and Strong Language
Cast: Don Cheadle, Nick Nolte, and some other people I've never heard of.
Now don't think that just because a film wins a bunch of awards that it's a great movie. Think that because I said so. This is one of the best films I have seen in a long time. There are two big reasons why I think so much of it.
One, it's based on a true story. A story that everyone should be familiar with. The genocide that occurred in this film took place in 1995. Most of us, myself included, are intelligent beings and feel we are at least aware of what's going on in the world, even if it's just from the brief snippets we hear from the talking heads. But, I bet very few of us knew this was going on in 1995. I know I didn't and I have spoken to many others in person and on message boards that were as caught off guard as I was. You would think that after all the horror that was experience during WWII, we as a people would have vowed to never let that happen again. But, not only did it happen in 1995 but, it appears to be happening again today in Darfur. If I sound like I'm ranting like some hippy just watch the move and then make your decision.
The second reason is Mr. Don Cheadle does the best acting job I have seen in a long time, maybe ever. He makes you feel what is going on. Even when he's not saying anything, you can see he's thinking, struggling, fighting all without uttering a word. Seeing his performance alone is a reason to see this film.
Both of these things together plus some good old fashion story telling make this a great film. I wouldn't say this move is uplifting in the traditional sense of the word. Nor is overly depressing but it is an eye opener and accomplishes this without beating you over the head with overly graphic scenes.
Pic this one up on your next trip to the Blockhuslter and let me know what you think.

*O.K., I failed to give the proper credit to why I saw these movies. It was actually reknee who rented them.
I loved both of these flicks!
First off, if you are going to Blockbuster to rent movies you should be shot...in the head...twice. Pick another video store with better prices and/or join Netflix.
Second er...off, I haven't seen either, but if Fitz says so--i'm gonna.
BTW if you want to see Cheadle's range also check out Oceans11 (2001) and Out of Sight(1998).
Excellent movies. Both make you leave with more than what you came with.
Hey drpsych, if you have a problem with blockbuster just come out and say it. Don't ride the fence on this one. :)
I'm with you on Don Cheadle. Love him. I second the recommendations for Out of Sight and add Traffic and Devil in a Blue Dress to the must-see list of Don's work. He was also the best thing about George Clooney's live television "event" of Farenheit 911.
I liked Million Dollar Baby but didn't love it. Hillary Swank did a good job (I don't think she deserved the Oscar over Kate Winslet for Eternal Sunshine or Catalina Moreno for Maria Full of Grace) and it definitely is one of those movies that makes you think. But Morgan Freeman irritated the hell out me. Maybe it's because he's played that character 1,000 times before. I agree with you that within the films nominated, MDB deserved to win.
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