Four Brothers 3 out of 5

Director: John Singleton
Cast: Mark Wahlberg, Tyrese, Andre 3000, Garrett Hedlund
If you have seen the trailers for this movie and thought that's the kind of movie you like, you won't be disappointed. It delivers exactly what it advertises; a classic action revenge flick. The story is pretty straight forward, four adopted brothers seek the killers of their adoptive mother.
This movie has car chases, shoot outs, and mafia style killings, what more could you want? It also has moments that felt so cheesy you could dip your nachos into it. But, the pace is so fast you hardly care. The main characters even manage to deliver decent lines, with one scene so well played out you swear they really are brothers and if you have siblings you'll remember when they threw things at you just to get on your nerves too.
Another thing I really liked about this movie is that the main characters are who they are throughout the movie. There are no changes or sudden swings in morality. They are the bad good guys. The anti-heroes. They don't just beat people up to get what they are looking for, they kill them too. You might not want to associate with them, but you sure wouldn't complain if they shot a couple of thugs coming in your front door.
This movie may not make you think deep thoughts or strike up a conversation on the moral correctness of euthanasia but, it sure will entertain you for two hours.

This is why I don't like to play basketball with white people.
This is a prime example of films that create a pot such that the characters actions are justified thus making us connect with them more despite their actions being morally reprehensible. For example, your a cop and your partner gets killed, now you can go on a vengeance rampage; You are hunting down drug dealers, therefore they deserve to be murdered in cold blood; (Paparazzi, 2004) the photographers ALMOST kill your wife and therefore you get to hunt them down and kill them one-by-one...any other examples?
Yea, Man on Fire, The Crow, and any pre 1997 Steven Seagal movie. Or was that a rhetorical question? That's actually why I liked this movie. It was in the same style of films that were successful in the '90s. But, they ran them into the ground and they became cheap photocopies of each other. So this was fresh because I had not seen a good one in a while. Now, of course the actions of the characters in the film are deplorable and I would never condone them. Unless they go after the guy that makes those Fanta drink commercials.
Why is the doc always hating on the great movies of our time? Can he not just sit back and enjoy and movie where you don't have to just get to watch a movie for the fun of it? I thought Four Brothers was a good movie just to sit back, laugh and the corny jokes, and leave ready to go out and beat up somebody. Much love to the doc and you fitz! And at least I got to watch this movie with a former MLB player.
Speaking of playing basketball...
Who knows this kid?
Mmmm...there is something familiar about him, but something different...
I didnt know that fitz was that good at basketball.
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