Cooter's "family values"

Well Cooter, I for one agree with you. I can think of nothing better than returning to the positive family values that the original Dukes of Hazzard upheld. All of today's youth should be so lucky as to have a role model like Uncle Jesse, who apparently never worked an honest day in his life but smuggled moonshine with his two nephews. And Bo and Luke who show a consistent disrespect for the law and speed around town blowing up everything are exactly what we should emulate today. And last but not least, Daisy Duke....well that's just too easy. Nothing screams family values like a women in short shorts draped over a car.
Yes Cooter, we need more men like you and more shows like the Dukes of Hazzard. Yee-Haw.

Click here for an in depth study of today's moral values represented in american intertainment.
Well said John.. Well Said!
For more good family clean fun on the new Hazards movie I think we should all check out the Jessica Simpson video for "These Boots Are Made For Walking."
As a public service I'll supply a link on my original post. I do it for the kids.
Yeah, yeah, ok, so we all have our opinions on hollywood's relentless subscription to fast cars and T&A, but John, I'm still waiting on your review of The Devil's Rejects!!
I actually read a good interview with Rob Zombie in Moviemaker magazine that gave me more respect for the movie than I had had. But, I would risk loosing my conservative image were I to actually see the movie. Jimmy over at thought it was good though. Oh, and by the way thank you for gracing us with our presence.
But of course, anything for a friend!
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