
If you have never been in a play it’s quite an interesting undertaking. In addition to memorizing your lines you have to learn your “blocking”. This is basically where you should be, and when to move on stage. You would think this would be simple but sometimes trying to figure out where five actors should be on stage without blocking someone else and trying to make things seem natural can be quite a challenge.
The acting part is a little harder than I anticipated as well. Unlike acting on film, which I obviously have tons of experience doing, you are not really going for realism. It’s more dramatic. A camera can pick up subtleties in your face and movements, but a 60 year old in the back of the theatre cannot. So, everything has to be slightly exaggerated including the way you say things. Editing generally sets the pace in a film, whereas the actors in a play dictate the pace of the show.
Of course you guys might have already known all of this but, it has been a learning experience for me. I have to say I am really excited and I’m sure I will be nervous before the show. I hope all of you that can, will attend. Not just to see me, though that should be reason enough, but to support the folks that are producing the play. This is their first production that they have headed up, so I hope it works out well for them. They have invested a lot of money and time into making it work. See you all there!
Shows are Friday, Sept. 23, through Saturday, Oct. 1, at the Sunrise Theater. All shows begin at 8 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday and Sunday matinee at 2 p.m. Info: 947-9935.