
The DV Show - This is where I get my geek fix ever week. This weekly podcast deals with everything that has to do with digital video. A very good podcast. The host, Brian, is very knowledgeable and has plenty of expert guests to back up his knowledge as well.
Cinecast - This is probably my favorite podcast right now! If you enjoy movie reviews and hearing different opinions on recent movies, this is a great podcast. The quality is great and these guys give some great insight on the movies. This is the best general review podcast I have encountered so far.
Comic Geek Speak - Ok, this is probably the geekyest one so far and I haven't listened to this one a lot. I just wanted to demonstrate that you can find a podcast on anything.
Well, that's it for now. I'll post links of cool podcast as I come upon them. As you start searching (and I know you will) let me know of any that you find that are worth mentioning.
Oh, by the way, podcastalley is a good place to start your search for things that interest you.
Warning! Podcasts are still in their infancy. So unfortunately, the guy who decides to start a podcast on say, videogames might go something like this. First he is going to be a super geek. Second, he's a video game nut. Third, he's such a nut he wants to make a podcast about videogames. But, unfortunately this doesn't necessarily make him a could host for a show about videogames. So until someone who is good at conversation, intelligent, and fun to listen to gets into podcasting, you may have to listen to someone who is lets say is a little less appealing. Until then have fun. Talk to you later.
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